The Human Journey Library  »  Ideas that Shaped Our Modern World

Ideas that Shaped Our Modern World

Paleolithic Beginnings

The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy
Peter Adamson & Richard C. Taylor
The Case for God
Karen Armstrong
Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
Jean Bottéro
The Shamans of Prehistory
Jean Clottes & David Lewis-Williams
Secret Societies
Arkon Daraul
The End of the Bronze Age
Robert Drews
The Odyssey
Nyae Nyae !Kung Beliefs and Rites
Lorna J. Marshall
Art and Human Development
Constance Milbrath and Cynthis Lightfoot
Harappan Civilization
Gregory L. Possehl
The Evolution of God
Robert Wright

Connecting with the Gods

Axial Age Thought

Origins of Christianity

Our Pagan Christmas
R.J. Condon
Myth, Magic, and Morals
Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare
The Gnostic Gospels
Elaine Pagels
Judaism and Christian Beginnings
Samuel Sandmel
The Passover Plot
Hugh J. Schonfield
The Way of the Sufi
Idries Shah
Man and his Gods
Homer W. Smith
The Nativity: History and Legend
Geza Vermes
Jesus the Jew
Geza Vermes
Jesus: A Life
A.N. Wilson
How Jesus Became Christian
Barrie Wilson, Ph.D.

Origins of Islam

The Journey of Classical Greek Knowledge to the Western World

Stories and Storytelling

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